Delivery Information
Prices: The prices are generally FOB Sialkot Pakistan in USD/GBP/EUR - does not include shipping cost, please.
Quantity: Price is based on stated Qty only and may vary upon a change in Qty, please. Prices are subject to change upon any change in the cost of raw material, workmanship, the minimum wage in Pakistan, etc prior to any notification. It is only valid for 20 days, please.
Lead Time: Manufacturing time negotiable as the order is placed.
Our delivery of orders is as quick as possible. All standard orders are shipped in 5/6 weeks and rush orders are delivered in 3/4 weeks merely. Larger orders delivery time is negotiable as the order is placed.
Lead Time Start-Up: Please be noted delivery time starts from the day we receive payment in our bank by bank wire transfer and not when order is placed because we don’t start production without clearance from our accounts depot, please.
Orders: No order is big or small for us, we accept all orders QUANTITIES happily and look after them with the same attention, care, and diligence. However, our quotes much depend on the order Qty following the philosophy - More is the Qty less is the price and vise-versa.
Order Placement: You may please place orders via e-mail/post etc. Please be noted whenever you place an order we need a “Purchase Order” for our manufacturing processing here on certain steps so that the order may be completed accordingly and in time.
Replacement: If there is any defect in the product please let us know within 10 working days of receipt of order and we will arrange a replacement for you either in product or funds to be refunded ASAP. However, after 10 days of order receipt if we are not informed about replacement we won’t be responsible and are not liable to provide any kind of replacement either.
Quality that speaks!